
  • 標準
  • 特大


 ALT(外国語指導助手)とは、Assistant Language Teacherの略で、外国語を母国語とする外国語指導助手をいいます。

ー 目次 ー

アレクサンドラ リー(Alexandra .K .Lee)

  • 出身地 アメリカ合衆国 カリフォルニア州
  • 勤務学校 中条小学校(条南、井上小学校でも授業をしています)


Hello everyone! My name is Alex and I come from Califolnia in the United States. I am very excited to be here and I want to experience Japanese culture as much as possible, so please let me know about activities going on  in Tsubata! In college I studied ecology, so I love nature and animals. If you ask about my dog Lila I will happily show you many pictures of her. She is so cute! I am also interested in arts and crafts, so while I am in Japan I hope to take many classes,such as soba making and gold leaf embellishment. I speak a little bit of Japanese, so don't be afraid to talk to me if you see me around!

クロエ スズキ(Chloe Suzuki)

  • 出身地 アメリカ合衆国 ハワイ州
  • 勤務学校 津幡南中学校(条南小学校でも授業をしています)


Hello everyone! My name is Chloe Suzuki and I am an ALT from Hawaii. I graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and studied psychology, Japanese, cognitive science, and pre-med. I would love to talk about any of these subjects. I enjoy art, dance, and music. I love graphic design and have published an art and writing magazine. I have also danced from when I was a child doing many types of dance including ballet and hula. I am also a big music fan and love attending concerts. I am 5th-generation Japanese-American, but I did not grow up speaking Japanese. I am looking forward to learning the Japanese language and culture through this experience while also sharing my Hawaiian and American background with all of you. Nice to meet you!

アンジェロ ラファエリ(Angelo Raffaelli)

  • 出身地 アメリカ合衆国 カリフォルニア州
  • 勤務学校 津幡中学校(津幡小学校でも授業をしています)

 皆さん初めまして、アンジェロ ラファエリと申します。アメリカのカリフォルニア州のサンタクルーズ市から来ました。大学で歴史を専攻しましたので日本の伝統文化に興味があります。観光で日本を3回訪れ、石川県にも来たことがあります。日本アルプスの登山や、地域のさまざまな祭りを見に行くことを楽しみにしています。スポーツ、特に野球と卓球とバスケットボールが好きです!津幡に自分が入れるグループがあれば入りたいです!そして学校の部活も手伝わせていただけたら嬉しいです。日本語を勉強しているので気軽に話してください!

Hello everyone, my name is Angelo Raffaelli and I come from Santa Cruz, California in the United States.  I studied history at university so I am interested in Japanese traditional culture.  I have been to Japan three times as a tourist before, and have even visited Ishikawa prefecture.  I can’t wait to experience hiking in the Japanese alps and attending various regional festivals during my time here.  I also like sports such as baseball, basketball, and ping pong and look forward to joining local groups or helping out with those school clubs.  I am studying Japanese as well so please don’t hesitate to talk to me if you see me!
